Friday, November 21, 2008

First Aid Tips

Here are things that you should do in case of an emergency...
1. Check on the following when you approach a seriously injured person:

* AIRWAY - check the victim's air way is not blocked by the tongue, secretions or foreign body

* BREATHING - check if the victim is breathing. If not, administer artificial respiration.

* CIRCULATION - check if the victim has a pulse, if none, administer cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

2. Act fast! Every second counts.

3. Don't move a person with serious injuries of neck or back, unless extremely necessary.

4. Get someone to call an ambulance and a doctor while you apply first aid.

5. Don't pull clothing away from burns.

6. Remain calm and reassure the victim.

7. Don't force fluids on an unconscious or semi-conscious person.

8. Don't try to arouse an unconscious person by slapping or shaking.

Now if you see someone in need of help and on emergency, you know what is the first ting to do!

Administer CPR

Administer CPR
Administer CPR if the victim has no pulse